Eaton looks forward to getting it sideways

Samson Eaton at Manchester Arena

AX fans who’ve been following the progress of the wounded AX FMX Crew – aka Bolddog FMX – will have been cheered to hear the news that Arran Powley is now back on a bike. But what about team-mate Samson Eaton?

Samson’s not far behind him, as we recently found out. He’s doing everything he can to get his leg fully mended so that he can get some big airtime back and getting it sideways again.

AX: When we last spoke around mid-March you had just started seeing Jo, your physio from Mid Suffolk Physiotherapy in Stowmarket, Suffolk. Are you still seeing her? How’s it going?

SE: I’ve seen Jo quite a bit to be honest, she’s a good egg and knows her stuff, I’ve had 10 sessions of both EMFPT and Laser Therapy, as I wanted to give it as much chance of healing as I possibly could. I’m still seeing her now but, as and when I need to, not for the fracture itself but for some rehab on my knee. The muscle wastage due to having surgery and not using my leg for months has really taken its toll, the crash itself has also messed my knee up pretty good. I don’t think there’s any major ligament or tendon damage, but there’s something going on in there that’s still not quite right. I’ve had some ultrasound combined with acupuncture on it to try and help get it back to 100 percent. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s getting there.


AX: Are you able to bear weight on the leg now? If so, what are you doing in terms of exercises/training?

SE: I’m fully weight bearing now. I haven’t been on my crutches or even just one crutch for easily over a month, possibly longer. I’m just about walking normally again now. I have a full routine of my own weight bearing exercise’s from Jo that I do at home, some flexibility exercises also as my hip took a battering in the crash and having the Femural Nailing surgery. I’m swimming once a week and I’m also now cycling every day to try and get some strength back into my leg. I’ve never been keen on the gym but I may also get in there at some point to build some muscle back up.


AX: You said that Jo was confident of having you back on a bike in three months from the date of the break. We’re about a week or so away from that point now, are you bike ready – physically and mentally?

SE: Well now, this is a long story (sighs …), I won’t bore you with it all but this is a touchy subject at the minute. I was in my local hospital the other week for what I thought was an X-ray, check-up and hopefully a sign off to go back riding. Turns out I didn’t get to see the surgeon who has been dealing with me locally, but I saw an understudy of his I think and he had nothing but bad news for me. No X-Ray even though it was four weeks since my last X-Ray and when I broached the subject of getting back in the saddle he was adamant that my leg won’t take it yet for another six weeks…….! After a 30 minute heated discussion with him about it, I left the hospital very disappointed and a little confused to be honest. He said some contradicting things with regards to what I can and can’t do just yet and I don’t think he really understood that this is what I do for a job and is maybe just trying to be over cautious? Anyway, leave it to me as I’m going to try and get back to see the top dog main man surgeon who has been seeing me previously before six weeks is up. But as of Tuesday 17th April, I’ve been told not to jump again yet for another six weeks, which would take my recovery time to four and a half months in total instead of our planned three-month recovery……watch this space! By the way, if there are any Orthopaedic lower limb specialists reading this who may also disagree or feel confused with what I’ve been told, I’m open to travel to you for an X-Ray and a second opinion on the whole situation.


AX: How bored have you been?

SE: I’m pretty over it. I’m not going to lie, the early days were pretty boring and frustrating but now I’m almost there it’s not so bad, I can get out and do things. But I just want to ride again, it’s killing me!


AX: Apart from pain and inconvenience, what’s been the worst thing?

SE: You’ve pretty much answered your own question there haha! The sleepless nights of pain and discomfort in the early days was the worst thing for me. Not being able to walk properly has been a challenge as well.


AX: Have you been a good patient?

SE: That’s a question you’d have to ask my girlfriend haha! Our relationship took a serious next level step in the early days, she was having to do things for me I never thought anyone would have to do for me, well not until I was very old anyway if you catch my drift ha ha ha!


AX: Did you miss Dan when he was away being a ‘movie star’?

SE: I was just hoping to not get a hospital bed picture from him each day, he had to do some gnarly things out there and I’m just glad he returned home all safe and sound.


AX: How pleased will your partners be when you’re back out ripping the ramps?

SE: Naomi has probably loved me not being out risking life and limb for a few months to be honest.


AX: Any top recovery tips?

SE: X-Box, beer, and Jo at Mid Suffolk Physiotherapy.


AX: What shows have you got lined up?

SE: We as a team, Bolddog FMX have a full summer lined up of shows, varying from county shows to extreme sports shows. All outdoors, up and down the country from May through to September.


AX: How will you prepare for them?

SE: The main focus for me at the minute is to just get healthy and ready to ride again. I’m going to have ease myself back into it gently I think, moto sessions, followed by ramp jumping and then I can look at throwing some tricks once again.


AX: What are you now most looking forward to?

SE: I cannot wait to get some redemption from the trick that bit me, as soon as I can and probably before any other trick. I will be throwing my 450 sideways again, it’s the best trick to do, to watch and to feel. As long as I can throw whips again I’ll be happy as Larry.


Thanks Samson. We’re keeping everything crossed that you soon get the news you need and that you’re back on two-wheels very soon!

Samson Eaton performing 2018 Power Maxed Arenacross tour – Belfast